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Airpot Corp. Accurate Force Pneumatics products have unique, highly specialized characteristics not commonly found in other devices. To make full and correct use of their superb capabilities, you are encouraged to contact a knowledgeable Airpot representative or application engineer as early as possible in your equipment design. The following resources are available for assistance:

Outside Sales Network:
Worldwide support through a network of technical sales representatives and distributors located in the major industrial manufacturing regions.

Airpot’s seasoned in-house sales and administrative support staff offer professional and prompt service for your inquiries, questions and concerns without making you wade through layers of bureaucracy to get an answer to your question.

Assistance from Airpot’s in-house engineering staff draws upon more than five decades of unparalleled experience designing and applying dashpots, snubbers, actuators, air-bearing air cylinders, anti-stiction air cylinders, high precision filter regulator systems, and other precise force control devices. Airpot welcomes special requirements as well and regularly draws upon its legacy of applications to help customers accommodate their unique needs by designing customized configurations.

The Airpot website is a comprehensive technical resource for design engineering professionals and industrial manufacturers with the need to precisely control force, velocity and unwanted motion in dynamic systems. The resources available on the Airpot website include:

  • Proprietary, easy to use online part number generation software and 3D CAD file downloads that utilize a simple menu driven design program to create specific part numbers based on the customer requirements. Downloadable 3D cad files are generated within seconds from every Airpot spec page as well as from our dedicated 3D generator page.
  • Detailed dimensions, specifications and drawings of all Airpot products.
  • Downloadable technical literature in pdf form.
  • Part number deciphering system to assist in identifying an existing part number to confirm its specifications.
  • Free sample and catalog request forms.
  • A geographical Distributor and Sales Representative search function.
  • A database of technical application notes, press releases and technical videos, which explain the features, benefits and uses of Airpot Corporation force control devices.

Airpot Corporation offers free samples of its products to designers who wish to evaluate the product for possible use in their equipment. These samples are offered with no obligation and are the best way to become familiar with the outstanding and unique motion properties of our products. They consist of standard models of Airpot dashpots (in push, pull, or two-way configurations), actuators, snubbers, Airpel anti-stiction air cylinders, and piston/cylinder sets. Non-standard sample units also may be made available for selected applications after conferring with our application engineering staff.

A special resource section of the website is devoted to providing application guides and tips to help you properly utilize and understand many of the subtle, often unconsidered or unknown functions, features, and implementation methods related to our products.

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